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The Full Story

I.S.T.O.P "Awareness Now" is a legal name in the United States of America and currently being established in other countries. Founded By Prophetess Tiffany Equan Villalpando in 2012. In 2015 it became a non profit organization to help children, parents and families dealing with CPS an or the judicial system. At this time we accept donations, love gifts and seeds only there is no charge for most services however there is a case assessment and advocacy fee. To INSPIRE all who BELIEVE in the LORD JESUS CHRIST for this is founded on the solid foundation of CHRISTIANITY. The Founder and CEO Tiffany Villalpando is a SABBATH KEEPER, Christian Women, Mother, & Rights Advocate who is inspired by the LORD JESUS CHRIST to start a MOVEMENT called I.S.T.O.P "Awareness Now" through personal hardship. On December 26, 2009, six of her thirteen children were wrongfully kidnapped by five Policemen and DFPS (CPS) and placed in the Foster-care system against her Parental Rights, NOT having her children placed with family, Friends and or Fictive-kin. Prophetess Tiffany Equan Villalpando along with JESUS CHRIST fought the system in six different courts in the State of Texas and one court in the State of Ohio to obtain custody of her six children to get them out the DFPS (CPS) and the Judicial Court System in the State of Texas. The founder filed her own motions, lawsuits herself in her case, being a student of the Law & Constitution, she was successful in winning her case an thus I.S.T.O.P "Awareness Now" was birth. ISTOP is in pursuit into changing LAWS dealing with CPS and the Court systems across this Nation. Our United States Constitution was drafted upon the principles of the BIBLE, "United We Stand and Divided We Fall" This was indoctrinated by our Four Fathers as this was echoed and etched in the hearts of "We the People" of this society. They believed that this would be carried out; in so much that it was decreed that our Nation's tender be sealed with "In GOD We Trust". Likewise, our "Pledge of Allegiance" in which states "One Nation Under GOD", which means "Equal Rights and Justice For All". The KJV Bible states warnings to all who hurt and or oppress innocent people. KJV Bible Leviticus 25:17-18 "Ye shall NOT therefore Oppress one Another, but thou shall FEAR GOD, for I am the LORD YOURGOD, 18: Wherefore ye shall do my STATUES and keep my JUDGMENTS and do them and ye shall DWELL in the LAND SAFELY. In our Constitutional Rights it states we are to "Serve and Protect" the people of this great Nation. ""The United State Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit said it best, "The Government's interest in the welfare of children embraces not only protecting children from physical abuse, but also protecting children's interest in the privacy and dignity of their homes and in the lawfully exercised authority of their parents. "'Calabretta v. Floyd", 189 F. 3d 808(9th Cir. 1999). Also in the case "Smith (1991), 77 Ohio App. 3d, 16,601 N.E. 2d 45,54 """Permanent Termination of Parental Rights has been describes as the family law equivalent of the Death Penalty in a criminal case. Therefore, Parents "Must be afforded every Procedural and Substantive Protection the Law allows. Also, Due Process of Law. So, STAND, FIGHT, & PROTECT RIGHTS with me in supporting I.S.T.O.P "Awareness Now" founded by Prophetess Tiffany Equan Villalpando.


DISCLAIMER: ISTOP AWARENESS NOW is not intended to solve a specific problem, or give legal advice nor  solve legal issues, please seek a license attorney. ISTOP AWARENESS NOW received its Non-Profit status in 2015. EIN# 813196306 excepting all donation, love offerings, gifts, seeds, and fundraising.


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